Welcome to Ecosystem Gardening!
Ecoystem Garden aims to teach you to garden sustainably, conserve natural resources, and create welcoming habitat for wildlife in your garden so that you will attract more birds, butterflies, pollinators, and other wildlife to your garden.
Start by learning about the 5 Pillars of Ecosystem Gardening and then explore more Ecosystem Gardening topics.
Meet other passionate wildlife gardeners from around the country. Share your successes. Learn from your failures. Discover the best resources to help you create welcoming habitat for wildlife in your gardens with native plants so that you will attract more birds, butterflies, native pollinators, and other wildlife to your garden.

Latest Articles
Saving the Monarch Butterfly
So There!
I Am The Lorax, I Speak for the Leaves
Growing Nature Loving Kids
Revisiting Beneficial Invasive Plants
Butterfly numbers plunge by 50 percent
Oil Spill and Our Gardens
Raising Awareness of Invasive Species
Brush Piles Help Wildlife in Your Ecosystem Garden
Birds in Winter Wildlife Garden
What Plants Attract the Most Wildlife?
As I travel around the country speaking at conferences about Ecosystem Gardening for Wildlife, the question I get asked most frequently is “What should I plant?” The easy answer is that you should add lots of locally native plants to your wildlife garden...
The Beautiful-No Mow Yard
Life in the Leaf Litter: Don’t Throw a Good Thing Away
Lets Just Eat the Invasive Plants
5 Steps to The Ultimate Butterfly Garden
Response to: What’s Invasive? Telling People What They Can’t Plant In Their Yards
What’s Native?
Early Spring Birds Blackwater NWR
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