It’s easy to assume that you can’t possibly make a difference for wildlife from your small share of the planet. But every positive choice you make in your garden can actually make a huge difference for the wildlife in your area.
And when you help your neighbors make better decisions the benefit to wildlife is magnified. And so it spreads.
Why Your Ecosystem Garden Matters to Wildlife
This Garden is for the Birds….and the Bees, and the Flowers and the Trees–shows you how to make giving back to wildlife the priority of your garden.
The Power of Doing Just One Thing–really, choose just one thing and start making a difference now.
Why Your Garden Matters to Wildlife even When we Have Protected Lands–only 5% of available land in this country is protected, but much of that is being overrun by invasive plants. We’ve simply left wildlife nowhere to go.
Your Ecosystem Garden is Important to Wildlife–habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation due to human action is the number one cause of wildlife declines. You can help reverse this by planning your Ecosystem Garden.
Ecosystem Services: How Your Garden Contributes to a Healthy Environment–Healthy ecosystems contribute many vital services that we tend to take for granted: oxygen production, clean water, soil health, and more. Your Ecosystem Garden can provide some of these services.
Health Care Reform in your Ecosystem Garden–a fun and tongue-in-cheek look at the importance of your garden by borrowing the language of the health care debate.
Healing the Wounds to Wildlife
- Healing the Wound of Direct Killing
- Healing the Wound of Habitat Loss
- Healing the Wound of Habitat Fragmentation
- Healing the Wound of Exotic Species
- Healing the Wound of Loss of Ecological Processes
Children, Nature, and Your Ecosystem Garden
Awe and Wonder always Welcome in Your Wildlife Garden
Helping Your Neighbors Learn to Love your Ecosystem Garden–we mentioned this above in the introduction. Remember that old commercial “They told two friends, and they told two friends……” That’s the way we’ll start making a bigger difference.
Best Reasons NOT to be an Ecosystem Gardener–having some fun by reverse engineering the best reasons for creating your wildlife garden
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